Adventure Monday (brought to you by Posting Things Two Days Late)
On Monday, I had a painting to do. The assignment? Controluce. Against the light. There wasn't much to be seen in silhouette from my window.

So I went for a walk. I started looking at tall buildings against the sky.

I liked the pictures, but none of them seemed quite right. Up the Hill I went. I found some houses looking out into infinity,

and a pretty brick house ready for Halloween.

Then I found a place where the asphalt truck did not pick up after his dog.

I had a color moment when the leaves went so well with the house,

and then I realized I had no idea where I was. I was afraid I had missed the light.

But suddenly I was no longer alone.

The cat pointed me in the right direction, following me to make sure I'd be okay,
and then hid in a bush when a dog passed by.

I turned around,

and the light was perfect.

I made my way back down the hill. I passed the house that looked onto infinity,

and the racist statue contemplating the modern age.

I said a brief hello to RoboPig and RoboCat, standing vigil over the city,

and then the street lights began to turn on.

Even the abandoned dormitory seemed kind of nice.

Then it was back to the RISD campus, where Monday night activities proceeded as normal.

It was a good day, but sunset paintings are still kind of lame.
*To be fair, it's only halfway done. But it's still lame.

So I went for a walk. I started looking at tall buildings against the sky.

I liked the pictures, but none of them seemed quite right. Up the Hill I went. I found some houses looking out into infinity,

and a pretty brick house ready for Halloween.

Then I found a place where the asphalt truck did not pick up after his dog.

I had a color moment when the leaves went so well with the house,

and then I realized I had no idea where I was. I was afraid I had missed the light.

But suddenly I was no longer alone.

The cat pointed me in the right direction, following me to make sure I'd be okay,
and then hid in a bush when a dog passed by.

I turned around,

and the light was perfect.

I made my way back down the hill. I passed the house that looked onto infinity,

and the racist statue contemplating the modern age.

I said a brief hello to RoboPig and RoboCat, standing vigil over the city,

and then the street lights began to turn on.

Even the abandoned dormitory seemed kind of nice.

Then it was back to the RISD campus, where Monday night activities proceeded as normal.

It was a good day, but sunset paintings are still kind of lame.

*To be fair, it's only halfway done. But it's still lame.